Presentation: Article: The 80/20 Rule of Time Management: Stop Wasting Your Time November 14, 2013November 19, 2013 This article from is by Perry Marshall. If you are familiar with the 80/20 Principle, loosely stated that 80…
Presentation: Article: What Not to Do When Taking Clients Out to Lunch November 7, 2013November 11, 2013 Presentation: Article: What Not to Do When Taking Clients Out to Lunch.
Presentation: How Can You Generate Unlimited Referrals? October 24, 2013October 28, 2013 This presentation of How Can You Generate Unlimited Referrals? is taken from the Successnet website How Can You Generate Unlimited…
Presentation Outline: Website Assessments October 3, 2013October 26, 2013 Presentation Outline: Website Assessments, done for my BNI group.
Subs August 22, 2013September 3, 2013 The who, why, and guidelines for having a substitute at BNI meetings.
Presentation: Asking Effective Questions August 1, 2013August 6, 2013 Asking Effective Questions to help become a better referral and increase your business.
Presentation: Body Language June 24, 2013June 23, 2013 This is a brief talk I gave to my networking group about Body Language.
Presentation: Differentiators January 4, 2013February 2, 2014 Shawn spoke about differentiators in business, using the examples of Listerine (kills germs) and Scope (great taste) to illustrate an…